Fine Material Screw Washers

细料螺旋清洗机在一台机器中洗涤,分类和脱水-10mm或3/8″固体物料. They often accept feed slurry from Wash Screens, Sand Classifying Tanks, Hydrocyclones, Hydrosizers™ and other Fine Material Screw Washers.


细料螺旋清洗机特别简单的操作寻找洗涤干筛细料. When compared to other sand washing systems, Screw Washers are a low-capital cost and low electric power user machine. They are widely used by construction sand producers, mining companies, solar salt/brine processors and glass recycling plants.

How Fine Material Screw Washers Work

To achieve the desired results with a Fine Material Screw Washer, 砂子或其他细料被导向挡板中的进料箱. Coarse, heavier materials settle to the bottom of the box, 而超细废物馏分则被上升流带至地表并溢出堰.

沉降到底部的较重的物料沿18度斜坡向出料端输送. 物料的滚动和翻滚释放出细颗粒和一些轻质组分到悬浮液中. It also mildly scrubs superficial clays from the sand/mineral surfaces. 当物料被输送到排出端时,水开始与物料分离. 在输送侧对面的洗涤箱/盆中设有通道,以允许水从固体中排出并溢出堰.

为了在螺旋垫圈中正确地保留材料,必须保持一个平静的水池区域. The feed box within the baffle plate is used to direct material away from the calm pool area; however, if the pool area is turbulent, 在最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全中可能需要的更细的材料将溢出堰. 挡板有助于分离洗涤箱进料区,保持池区平静. In some applications, 生产商可以移除挡板,并在靠近堰后板的地方进料,以帮助搅动池区域并溢出不需要的材料.

细料螺旋清洗机的速度取决于所需菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全中通过50目的百分比. If the screw washer is running too fast, 材料没有机会在飞行中停留足够长的时间来脱水. The material will fall off of the flight and return to the pool area, leading the box to eventually fill with sand and stall the screw shaft.

If an application calls for a greater level of dewatering, 细料螺旋清洗机常与脱水筛串联使用.

Why McLanahan Fine Material Screw Washers


  1. 在进料箱/挡板后面有更大的池沉降区,可提供更高的+75微米(200目)菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸的固体保留率
  2. A machine design that has a 2.5英寸(65mm)的间隙螺轴螺旋和垫圈盒/浴缸,消除磨料磨损的浴缸. 竞争对手的设计需要定期修补或完全更换浴缸.
  3. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全精细材料螺旋垫圈有一个超长的干甲板区域和更长的螺旋轴, providing more dewatering of material in comparison to others.

McLanahan提供各种尺寸的细材料螺旋垫圈. Sizing and selection is based on several factors, including the type of feed solids, feed gradation, desired product specification, capacity required and volume of the feed slurry. 在选择合适的螺杆垫圈尺寸时,将所有这些因素都考虑进去是非常重要的. Poor design and planning can lead to overflow of desired fine material, resulting in lost product and profit. McLanahan公司利用其在洗涤和分类设备方面的丰富经验,通过审查应用数据(包括浆液体积和您的饲料级配数据)来确保适当的机器尺寸. 

High Water Volume Fine Material Screw Washers — Only From McLanahan

Sometimes when processing a very dilute sand slurry, such as at a stone rinsing vibrating screen station, and needing to retain +200 mesh or 75 micron solids, 当固体进给量不大时,砂螺杆的选择尺寸可能需要比所要求的尺寸更大. If you look at a manufacturer’s tons per hour data, 根据水容量图,机器的水容量可能无法满足您对细砂固体保留的需求.

McLanahan公司提供比其他制造商更广泛的细材料砂螺钉. 高容量螺旋清洗机是一种可选的尺寸,它允许混合和匹配螺旋轴尺寸,以处理容量减少的砂固体,并用洗涤箱桶处理比正常水量更大的水. 与较大的标准砂螺杆相比,这提供了更低的成本选择. If the sand capacity is 50 tph with 1,000 gallons per minute of water, a 36” diameter screw shaft can be provided in a 54 “ washer box tub.

High Water Volume Screw Washers have been in operation since 2002, 为作业者提供了合适的选择,增加了菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸的细砂保留率, 而不是标准机器选择不正确,只是吨每小时砂固体的能力.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fine Material Screw Washers

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Hydrocyclones, Dewatering Screen systems using a Hydrocyclone, and bucket wheels. You’ll find that for the cost and low kW (hp) requirements, 一个好的材料螺旋垫圈将是一个非常可行的选择和一个很好的选择为您.

细料螺旋洗砂机广泛用于各种砂的洗涤和脱水, iron ore fines, fine phosphate solids, solar evaporated salt solids and crushed glass.

Features & Benefits
  • McLanahan双密封Pak淹没后轴承组件采用卡特彼勒双锥®密封,防止水甚至最小的颗粒到达轴承. 这是一个远优于任何竞争对手提供的设计后方轴承总成设计.
  • Large pool area for fine solids retention
  • Longer screw shafts for better dewatering
  • Multiple screw shoe wear materials are available, including white iron and Hardmac iron alloys or polyurethane
  • 加长穿鞋,以保护更多靠近管道轴的螺旋飞行
  • Multiple rising current water injection points for better fines removal
  • Multiple wash back water connections for better solids dewatering
  • 现成的减速器,快速本地采购或工厂支持,如有必要

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.

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